I have upgraded my hardware recently. I wanted it to be a little faster and reliable. Unfortunately I have decided to install 64-bit operating system. I have selected Fedora linux as I’m with Fedora from it’s beginning (before I have used RedHat linux distros from version 6.1). Why “unfortunately” someone may ask? Is it anything bad with it? No, of course not. It works perfectly. The problem is with Android SDK. It is prepared for 32-bit systems. So for now any home made Android development is abandoned (or slowed down quite a lot – I have a Windows laptop but I don’t like it 😉 ). I want to apology everyone for that. But anyway, can’t Google prepare 64-bit version of it’s SDK? Is it so hard for them? Actually it is enough to have ADB in 64-bit to make it running. There is a tutorial how to do it here.