Android Studio portable (kind of)

Have you ever been in need of running Android Studio on a computer without it and Java Development Kit actually installed? I have been. That’s why I have prepared a package which should work on any Windows 64-bit version. You can grab it from here:

Android Studio 0.3.2 PKO * (LINK DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE)

*) PKO = Portable Kind Of. 😉
This is not a real portable application. It saves some settings on the machine you are running it (in user folder).

The package contains:

– Android Studio 0.3.2
– KitKat SDK (API 19) with latest SDK Tools 22.3, Platform-tools 19 and SDK Build-tools 19
– Android Support Repository, Google Repository and Google USB driver
– JDK 1.7.0 r25


Unzip the package and run start.bat from inside android-studio folder.

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